Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Boys Self Esteem in School and in the Hood!


Boys self esteem can be built in many different ways and can vary from different ages. Boys who are in school deal with alot of 'size' and puberty issues! These can include the size of muscles, hair and is not limited to penis size either.

The best way to build your self esteem is to 'work-out' and do some sports activities. Anybody is capable of doing this, it doesn't matter if you are good in class, you can also be a great sportsman too. You'll find once you become powerful inside class and on the field you'll gain much more respect from your classmates.

If sports is not your thing your self esteem will boil down to your ability to 'cope' in confrontational situations. For males who are still in school you will find alot of competitiveness. The guy who can stand his ground in a fight gets respect, the guy who makes everyone laugh will get respect and the guy who has alot of female friends will get respect from other boys.

It's a shame that children in school these days can be so shallow; But for you to survive you must have some sort of edge over the other boys in school to stand out.

For you to become popular or good at anything you must have good self esteem, you must believe that you can achieve in what you do!

To build your self esteem start working on yourself. Instead of beating yourself up or letting other people verbally abuse you, start working on your best qualities. Seek to expand them to become stronger. It's also very necessary to start learning from your weaknesses and seek to build on your strengths.

True self esteem represents your ability to turn your negative thoughts, feelings and fears into solutions. The faster and easier you can do this for yourself and others the more you will get respect.

Most importantly your self image is what determines your success. Do you believe that you can succeed and come out on top? What are your opinions about yourself? Are these opinions based on what others have told you? Or do they come from yourself?

It doesn't matter how incapable you think you are, IT IS FALSE! You are equipped with trillions of positive resources you can use to be top dog right now!

You are not a loser, you are a success! You must realize this for yourself FIRST before anyone else can realize this. Most boys in school act 'fake' because they don't have any real self esteem, they cover up their incapability and stupidity with arrogance and lies.

You don't need to lower yourself down to their level. Seek to unleash your authentic self into the world. Your authentic self is the self that dwells underneath all the negative assumptions and opinions. Your authentic self is your TRUE SELF, your true potential.

Once you align your authentic self with your self image (the opinion you have about yourself) you'll be top dog at everything you do, Sports, classwork and flirting with girls :D

Become likable by first liking yourself and other people will like you too!

CLICK HERE To Start Changing Your Life Right Now!

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