What is S.A.E...?
Well, as personal development enhancers we want to pass onto you 'models and processes' of success so you can utilize them to create physical success in your own life.
Now what do I mean by models and processes?
What I want to convey to you, is that we all run through different habits, patterns and scenario's in our minds to create the results we get in life.
These processes (unconscious habits) usually run on auto-pilot without us even being aware of it.
If you are feeling sad, unworthy, lazy, incapable etc... there is a unique process that you go through in your mind that creates these feelings, thoughts and beliefs, which in tern create your given result.
Somebody came up to me and said they had trouble with singing on stage, they felt nervous.
So I said to him, because I don't know how to create nervousness when I get up on stage you'll have to teach me.
So this is what he said (after asking him some clever questions)... "Before I get up on stage I imagine everything going wrong, people booing me off and then I feel worthless and incapable, then I imagine myself with my head down, dragging myself off the stage"
Now you can do this in your mind right now and you'll feel nervous too. This imaginary scenario of images/movies, thoughts, sounds, self talk, ideas and negative expectations causes him to feel nervous and makes him not want to go on stage. This is the process he is creating in his mind.
Think of it as baking a cake. When you bake a cake you have to put in the right ingredients, in the right order to get a tasty cake. If you put in the flour first, then put it in the oven, then after 30 minutes you add in the egg your cake will be awful!
Every feeling, limitation or anything you 'consider' to be negative in your life is a process' that you go through in your mind. Whether if it's unworthiness, hesitation, procrastination, doubt, fear etc...)
And the 'order of ingredients' you use tend to drive the everyday actions and decisions you make in life.
For example, if you desire to take action but feel nervous, your feeling nervous because of the (unconscious) process you are going through in your mind which is causing you to feel nervous, and that nervousness usually doesn't make you want to take action at all.
Once you become aware of the unconscious process and change it, you'll be able to create better results out of your life with a process that really works to help you succeed!
S.A.E is all about teaching, offering and discovering (within yourself) new processes that work so you can learn to get better results out of your life on a daily basis.
So what did I do with the guy who was frightened to get up in stage to sing?
I helped him to discover a process that would best serve him in the situation he wanted.
I got him to imagine himself on stage 20 feet tall, exuberating a great positive energy, imagine singing from his heart and letting his words be guided with passion! I got him to imagine the audience looking amazed with tears of joy at his amazing talent! I got him to imagine himself demonstrating his best performance.
You can only guess how this made him feel after he did it. His face suddenly began to get happy, his expectations of himself got higher, his physiology changed and he was ready to sing in that moment.
If you know the right processes to create in your imagination, with the use of mind movies, pictures, sounds and voices, you will put yourself into better states and better frames of mind that give you the outcomes you want.
By practising these types of processes daily you 'become' the process itself.
It's just like learning how to drive a car, you had to learn a process, you learned each individual task in the right sequence to the point where, now your mind automatically does it all for you.
By learning success processes of confidence, motivation, self worth and by learning formulas that enable you to become more wealthy, make more money and find better relationships... all you need to do is practice the right process until you start getting your desired results!
S.A.E is going to show you how to unlock the power of your mind (with the right tools) to create success processes 'for yourself' that serve you in the situations you desire.
And it's also going to teach you processes of individuals who have already created success in sports, business, relationships, investment etc... so you can re-create the results for yourself with formulas that really work.
Learning these success processes will help you to get the car of your dreams, the house you want and the type of life-style you desire to achieve!
All success is a process, It just takes practice!
Success Allocation Enhancement will teach you unconscious processes and conscious 'real' life formulas and strategies to help you easily create success in every area of your life!!
What does Success Allocation Enhancement Mean Exactly??
In the next issue, I'm going to describe in a nutshell what S.A.E means...
And go into more detail about some cool success processes you can use to enhance your life!
Till next time,
Nicholas Finnegan
P.S. Grab the Higher Self Esteem and More Course for Your Self Worth.
P.P.S. Grab Hypnotic Confidence to condition your mind for charisma and self belief!
See you soon.
One Love
Success Allocation Enhancement is coming soon....
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