Tuesday, December 11, 2018

I Was Depressed and Dissatisfied!


I have to admit.... I usually don't get depressed, but last night I felt like garbage!

Yesterday I was lying on my bed thinking about my life and to be honest with you.... I felt dissatisfied.

I know there is much more that I could be experiencing right now. There are so many new adventures to take, so many opportunities and so many new experiences.

Dissatisfaction is not all that bad!

The only time when people tend to change their lives are when they are dissatisfied with it.

I'm writing this message to tell you that I also tend to get stressed or think negatively at times, I am definitely not perfect.

Sometimes depression and dissatisfaction can be our best friends though...

When you are depressed it means that you really want more, your mind is telling you "Hey, you are worth so much more than what your displaying right now!"

If you are depressed or dissatisfied, USE IT to improve your life at a higher level, because you deserve it!

The quality of your life can grow as long as you invest in it's growth!

Your dissatisfaction and/or depression is an abundant indication that you deserve more.

Don't let it stop you, use it to justify that you are worth more than how your living right now and use it to become stronger.

It's in your lowest points in life where you tend to find your biggest motivations and your biggest discoveries to change.

So what did I do last night? I made some new decisions.

I decided to put my time and focus into things that are more healthy. My business and my personal enjoyment; my fitness and my knowledge. I'm reading more often and jogging every morning to become more healthy and increase my abundance.

What are two new decisions you can make right now to improve the quality of your daily life?

Commit to two new decisions and promise yourself to improve these areas of life daily, step by step, little by little - everyday... until you start to see daily results.

I want you to become more smarter and more successful than I am.

A very good speaker wants to inspire you to become better than he/she is...

Share your amazing progress.

Send me your email's and comments on my blog and let me know how your doing...

I look forward to hearing of your life experiences.

All the very best,

Nicholas Finnegan.

P.S. I received some great feedback about the last download. I am thinking of creating a 6 part down-loadable course for you. Would you be interested? Let me know what you think...

I will start to devise a plan where I can offer free down-loadable material once a week. Leave your comments and share your ideas. Peace and Love.

P.P.S Download your FREE Course Right Here...

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