Many of us go through life trying to maintain things. We maintain our jobs , our relationships, or health, our friendships our houses...
But there isn't that much excitement in maintenance.
To maintain something is to help keep alive or to "survive" If an animal is wounded your job is to maintain it's wellbeing until it becomes healthy again.
But what happens when the animal is already healthy, you play with it and have fun with it don't you.
The level of success you have created in your life right now, whether huge or small, doesn't need to be maintained because you have already achieved it. Whats more important for you is to start creating MORE OF THIS SUCCESS!
With 'creation' comes expansion of success and possibilities.
The creative mind-set is focused on growth. For example: What else can be achieved other than the success you've already created...
If you are ill you can create better health. Creation has no limit but maintenance is justified by preserving something.
Maintenance is NOT expansive.
Life is not about ducking and diving and escaping punishment. It's a gift and a position you have been offered to become a coordinator of your daily positive reality.
With a positive creative mind-set, you'll start to noticing wonderful opportunities to do new things right before your eyes.
It's an opportunity to grow and expand your self esteem.
Start taking this creative opportunity mind-set into your life and start thinking of some goals you want to achieve.
If you earned £250 per week, how would you like to create £300 per week?
If you are maintaining your relationship, imagine if you came up with new ideas to have more fun and passion.
If you are maintaining your weight by dieting, imagine if you started working-out to become fitter with a system of motivation that works up a good sweat and builds more muscle!
Don't maintain the quality of your life, but seek to constantly expand it by creating and achieving your self esteem goals for future success.
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