Friday, December 8, 2017

Powerful Self Esteem Journal For Daily Success!


Keeping a self esteem journal is very handy for keeping track of your progress, after all, if you never keet track of your progress you may never know if you made any progress in the first place.

At the end of each day take out your journal and go through this exercise:

1. Write down all the things you tried that didn't work out the way you wanted it to

2. Write down what you learned from these experiences and how they have added to your recourses for success in the future.

3. Write down all the things you did that worked

4. Write down how you have benefited from what has worked and how it has helped you to succeed for the future

Do this everyday just before you go to bed and you'll begin to notice daily changes in your attitude towards life. You will become aware of what you want in your life and this will propel you to accomplish your daily goals.

Journals are great because being specific about your achievements and becoming excited about what you learn everyday, is the key to expanding your future possibility. Goals are set in the future, the present is where all the power is to create, and your past represents all the recourses you have learned as a human being.

Learn from your past - keep yourself fulfilled in this present moment - and imagine yourself in the future living the lifestyle you deserve.

Stop for a moment to imagine yourself in the future and make the images big bright and appealing, feel the feelings they make you feel and become addicted to this exciting feeling everyday, and use it to motivate you to create your dreams.

CLICK HERE To Start Changing Your Life Right Now!

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