Monday, January 14, 2019

Find Solutions With Positive Thinking!


Someone asked me how they can build optimism within themselves in any situation; so I'll share with you my top tip that helps me to do it every single day.

First, you need to realize that we do have problems and the world isn't a perfect place... things happen and things go wrong... the first key is to accept them and to transform your outlook into something positive that makes you feel good about the situation.

Once you have accepted your negative points of view, what are you going to do about it? What's the next step in your level of thinking? How are you going to view things differently to solve the issue? How many new positive ideas could you discover to free yourself from these problems?

If you have learned a way of thinking about something that hasn't served you, you must learn how to think about it in a new way... To look at your problems with positive thinking to transform them.

For example, A friend of mine spilt something on the floor in my house, she was getting very agitated about it and blew everything out of the ordinary. So I asked her "˜How could you think about it positively if you were to change your mind about this situation?" She said that she could "view it as just another spill that is going to be cleaned up!".

Now that she has a more positive way of thinking about it, she now has a new idea on how to react when drinks are spilled on the floor.

Positive thinking heightens your thoughts and emotions - it enables you to come up with something better that serves you and the people/situation; So whenever it happens again, you have a new way of responding to it. This allows you to free yourself into a place where positivity flows more easily.

If you have been thinking about something in the same negative way for years, maybe it's time to heighten your thinking by finding new ways how to look at your problems with positivity to move on.

Think of a problem that you have in your life... once you use this strategy, you will build a positive foundation that serves you in every area of life.

So to put things short, You can become a positive person when you learn how to find solutions in the face of problems.

I am a positive person because I have thought about enough solutions that allow me to have positive ideas that serve me when I need them.

Positive thinking means to practice finding solutions to problems that continuously serve you to the point where positivity is all you have available. In other words, you build a positive foundation, with the more solutions that you find.

Find positivity in everything you do to improve the quality of your life everyday. And remember, you can pick and choose how you want to think about things.


Nicholas Finnegan

P.S. To find automatic solutions to problems areas, other people or negativity in your life, the easiest way is to build an automatic process that does it all for you... For The Positivity enhancer... Go here...

P.P.S. For FREE Life Success Blast Course Go

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