Thursday, February 28, 2019

Begin A Self Esteem Building Foundation Today


The most important foundation you could possibly gain is a continuous self esteem building one...

Let's go through some insights...

You should first start to appreciate yourself and to notice your good qualities. Once you start treating yourself like your own best friend, you will start to gain a positive attitudes towards yourself that will serve you.

What you are going through is a habit, a negative pattern that you have learned which relates towards yourself... Meaning, you have become used to putting many things down in your life, which is causing you to feel bad.

Instead, start thinking in terms of appreciating yourself to make yourself feel better. By doing this, you start to build a more positive foundation about yourself which serves you in the long term.

It's not that you are this way, or cant change; it's only that you need to learn a better habit that serves your personal growth.

It all depends on how you learn to direct your focus and attention...

If you ask yourself ''what is negative?'' you will tend to find 'what is negative'. If you ask yourself "what is good?", you will certainly find what is good.

Start with one positive quality at a time, and then build until you have 1000 positive reasons about yourself that allow you to recognize, you are a truly positive person!

You want to keep moving forwards to the point where you reach that 'eureka' moment when you say to yourself "Hey, I actually do value myself!"

Start believing in what is special about yourself, even if it isn't true just yet, it will become true eventually as you continue to find more positive qualities to appreciate yourself for.

From now onwards, start putting higher self belief into manifesting your positive qualities and about who you are as a person.

To Your Self Esteem Success,

Nicholas Finnegan

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