Wednesday, February 27, 2019

How To Use Negativity To Empower Yourself In Your Life


In our society today we have been told to avoid negativity and push it away from our lives, especially negative people.

Although it is true that we must not indulge in negativity or entertain it for long periods of time, we must also make sure we are not cowardly running away from it.

Sometimes negativity can be a great asset because it allows us to learn and grow.

Negative situations expose us to our weaknesses; they show us what we are able to handle, what we are able to cope with and how easily we are able to overcome problem to transform negatives situations into positive situations.

So, rather than allow negative situations to get the better of you, you must use them as a means to empower you, by identifying what makes you effected by situations and learn how to change them.

For example, if negative comments from people make you feel insecure, acknowledge your insecurities and seek to transform them into confidence to the point where you become stronger.

If failure makes you feel depressed, acknowledge your depression, figure out what makes you happy and change it so you can become a more happier person.

To do this, simply asking yourself question like...

What have I learned from this situation in new ways that empower me?

What is the most important lesson I have learned from this so I can avoid it in the future?

What can I do differently in this situation if it ever comes up again?

Giving yourself some greater insights into the problem/situation can give you new ideas that allow you to get the very best out of yourself, the situation or learn to turn things around into something more desirable for the future.

Utilize negative situations in your life, in ways that make you grow stronger and become a more capable person. Be flexible and play around with them to the point hwere you find something beneficial and empowering for yourself

In other words...

Use negative situations, don't let negative situations use you

All the best in your future happiness,

Nicholas Finnegan

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