Thursday, May 3, 2018

I threw up today! :(


Today I would like to talk about friendship...

Something happened to me today that almost caused me to physically throw up.

Let me explain this to you...

Me and a very good friend of mine have known each other for nearly two years. Alot of these two years have been spent sharing ideas, laughing together, hanging out and enjoying each others company and having fun.

I would say that she has probably been one of the bestest friends that I've ever had, and as you probably know, good friends are not very easy to come by.

Today we had an argument...

Alot of this argument was caused by confusion... not being able to understand each other in the ways we could have. Alot of mis-communication, mis-understandings and me finding it very difficult to explain myself and the situation for us to come to some sort of an agreement.

Allot of the friendships and/or relationships we have in our lives are based upon us growing to understand each other and working through the pain, especially if the pain is only temporary...

Well... needless to say... and very unfortunately... our 2 year long friendship came to a screeching end a few moments ago when she decided that she wanted nothing at all to do with me.

She cut me off facebook, won't reply to my textes and may have changed her number.

Now... how could after two years of fun, laughter and love with someone be thrown away like that over one single argument?

Well personally I don't know....

But this has made me physically sick today!

Knowing that 98% of our friendship was spent on us growing closer to each other.

That 98% of that time was spent on us sharing positive experiences and connecting together...

And the fact that someone was willing to throw all that away, all the positive experiences, all the love, all the laughter, all the connecting, all the sharing, all the caring... they would just throw all that away over one argument that lasted a few hours...?

This did make me sick, hurt and betrayed! And she promised that we'd be friends forever! :-\

Well here's my point to this email...

If someone is not willing to stick by you when your tearing yourself apart, when your very angry at them, when your going through pain, when your so frustrated that all you can do is curse...

when someone isn't willing to hold onto your friendship despite these arguments...

And if they are willing to throw away 98% of your friendship in exchange for 2% pain that could be sorted out through talking and/or compromising... then maybe that person really wasn't your friend at all.

I hope you have been able to take something from this email. And I hope I didn't startle you with what happened to me today.

I am meaning the most positive intentions by sending you this email. With hope that you will appreciate your friendships, appreciate those who stick by you and compromise with your friends if they ever seem troubled or disoriented.

It isn't worth throwing away love, fun, laughter and all the positive memories you've shared over something negative that could be sorted out if only we would compromise and appreciate each other more.

To love and friendship,

Nicholas Finnegan

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