Thursday, February 28, 2019

Begin A Self Esteem Building Foundation Today


The most important foundation you could possibly gain is a continuous self esteem building one...

Let's go through some insights...

You should first start to appreciate yourself and to notice your good qualities. Once you start treating yourself like your own best friend, you will start to gain a positive attitudes towards yourself that will serve you.

What you are going through is a habit, a negative pattern that you have learned which relates towards yourself... Meaning, you have become used to putting many things down in your life, which is causing you to feel bad.

Instead, start thinking in terms of appreciating yourself to make yourself feel better. By doing this, you start to build a more positive foundation about yourself which serves you in the long term.

It's not that you are this way, or cant change; it's only that you need to learn a better habit that serves your personal growth.

It all depends on how you learn to direct your focus and attention...

If you ask yourself ''what is negative?'' you will tend to find 'what is negative'. If you ask yourself "what is good?", you will certainly find what is good.

Start with one positive quality at a time, and then build until you have 1000 positive reasons about yourself that allow you to recognize, you are a truly positive person!

You want to keep moving forwards to the point where you reach that 'eureka' moment when you say to yourself "Hey, I actually do value myself!"

Start believing in what is special about yourself, even if it isn't true just yet, it will become true eventually as you continue to find more positive qualities to appreciate yourself for.

From now onwards, start putting higher self belief into manifesting your positive qualities and about who you are as a person.

To Your Self Esteem Success,

Nicholas Finnegan

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

How To Use Negativity To Empower Yourself In Your Life


In our society today we have been told to avoid negativity and push it away from our lives, especially negative people.

Although it is true that we must not indulge in negativity or entertain it for long periods of time, we must also make sure we are not cowardly running away from it.

Sometimes negativity can be a great asset because it allows us to learn and grow.

Negative situations expose us to our weaknesses; they show us what we are able to handle, what we are able to cope with and how easily we are able to overcome problem to transform negatives situations into positive situations.

So, rather than allow negative situations to get the better of you, you must use them as a means to empower you, by identifying what makes you effected by situations and learn how to change them.

For example, if negative comments from people make you feel insecure, acknowledge your insecurities and seek to transform them into confidence to the point where you become stronger.

If failure makes you feel depressed, acknowledge your depression, figure out what makes you happy and change it so you can become a more happier person.

To do this, simply asking yourself question like...

What have I learned from this situation in new ways that empower me?

What is the most important lesson I have learned from this so I can avoid it in the future?

What can I do differently in this situation if it ever comes up again?

Giving yourself some greater insights into the problem/situation can give you new ideas that allow you to get the very best out of yourself, the situation or learn to turn things around into something more desirable for the future.

Utilize negative situations in your life, in ways that make you grow stronger and become a more capable person. Be flexible and play around with them to the point hwere you find something beneficial and empowering for yourself

In other words...

Use negative situations, don't let negative situations use you

All the best in your future happiness,

Nicholas Finnegan

Friday, February 22, 2019

Do You Blame Yourself For Things That You Didn't Even Do??


In this post I wanted to share with you a recent question I received from one of my youtube videos.

I have re-written it slightly so it makes more sense for you in this particular post.

From, (Anommonous)

hi nicholas, wat should i do to interpret things that occurs in my daily life in a more positive way? im having tendency to blame myself if anything goes wrong even though i do realize that i did nutin wrong



If you realize that you did nothing wrong, what exactly are you blaming yourself for?

A great way to interrupt or ( better yet - utilize) negative things that occur in your daily life is to ask yourself questions that are directed towards the positive.

When you feel bad, DON'T say to yourself...

"Why am I such a failure?"

"Why does this always to happen to me?"

"Why do I always get things wrong!" etc...

When you ask your mind a question, it gives you an answer, ask a negative question and you'll get a set of negative answers which don't feel good.

But by asking yourself questions that are directed towards the positive, such as...

"How can I learn from this?"

"What is it about this situation that has helped me to become a stronger person?"

"How can I look at this situation differently in ways that allow me to feel better about myself?"

By doing this you are giving your mind a better direction to move towards. You are taking a negative experience and utilising it, transforming it and purifying it into positive new learnings....

You are also expanding your positive frame of reference, which allows you to come up with a greater positive foundation of ideas and resources that help you to succeed in the future.

Remember your mind will always give you what you ask for!

Whenever you notice that your blaming yourself (for something that you didn't do :-S ... STOP, become aware of what's going on as it's happening, and use your mind in positive directions by asking yourself better questions to support your self worth.

Turn negative into positive, by asking the right questions! And be careful what your talking yourself into! :)

Hope this helps

- Nick

Monday, January 14, 2019

Find Solutions With Positive Thinking!


Someone asked me how they can build optimism within themselves in any situation; so I'll share with you my top tip that helps me to do it every single day.

First, you need to realize that we do have problems and the world isn't a perfect place... things happen and things go wrong... the first key is to accept them and to transform your outlook into something positive that makes you feel good about the situation.

Once you have accepted your negative points of view, what are you going to do about it? What's the next step in your level of thinking? How are you going to view things differently to solve the issue? How many new positive ideas could you discover to free yourself from these problems?

If you have learned a way of thinking about something that hasn't served you, you must learn how to think about it in a new way... To look at your problems with positive thinking to transform them.

For example, A friend of mine spilt something on the floor in my house, she was getting very agitated about it and blew everything out of the ordinary. So I asked her "˜How could you think about it positively if you were to change your mind about this situation?" She said that she could "view it as just another spill that is going to be cleaned up!".

Now that she has a more positive way of thinking about it, she now has a new idea on how to react when drinks are spilled on the floor.

Positive thinking heightens your thoughts and emotions - it enables you to come up with something better that serves you and the people/situation; So whenever it happens again, you have a new way of responding to it. This allows you to free yourself into a place where positivity flows more easily.

If you have been thinking about something in the same negative way for years, maybe it's time to heighten your thinking by finding new ways how to look at your problems with positivity to move on.

Think of a problem that you have in your life... once you use this strategy, you will build a positive foundation that serves you in every area of life.

So to put things short, You can become a positive person when you learn how to find solutions in the face of problems.

I am a positive person because I have thought about enough solutions that allow me to have positive ideas that serve me when I need them.

Positive thinking means to practice finding solutions to problems that continuously serve you to the point where positivity is all you have available. In other words, you build a positive foundation, with the more solutions that you find.

Find positivity in everything you do to improve the quality of your life everyday. And remember, you can pick and choose how you want to think about things.


Nicholas Finnegan

P.S. To find automatic solutions to problems areas, other people or negativity in your life, the easiest way is to build an automatic process that does it all for you... For The Positivity enhancer... Go here...

P.P.S. For FREE Life Success Blast Course Go

Monday, January 7, 2019

Your Negative Past Is Important To You?


Today I would like to share with you more information on how you can get over negative past experiences.

Probably the most important step of all for you to move on, is to learn from your negative past experiences. Every experience that you have been through in your life carries a life lesson that will allow you to become more than who you are today.

Most people who can't move on from the past think of all the negative misfortunes they have been through and it causes a stumbling block on their potential.

They may blame themselves, they may other blame people or on some level may think their life could be over.

Instead, if you ask yourself questions that help you to find solutions to past problems, you will validate your potentials, not only will you do that, but you will also learn positive ways to move on from the past and create a happier life.

There is alot of wisdom and growth found in your negative past experiences. Finding solutions and life lessons in these experiences will empower to move forwards with a positive frame of mind that serves your growing future success.

To do this ask yourself empowering questions about your past experiences...


1. Think of a negative past experience that has prevented you from becoming successful in a specific area of life...

2. Ask yourself: What is the number one empowering lesson that I can take from this past situation? How can this past problem make me a more positive person?

What life lessons have I come up with that will prevent this problem from ever happening again? How has this past problem enabled me to help people in positive ways? How has my past make me more motivated to change my life for the better?

The fact is that the more you dig and find the gold nuggets in your past problems, the more you will be able to re-frame negative situations into positive solutions that serve you.

In other words, you build a stronger portfolio of positive evidence for yourself as to why you can be positive despite what you have been through in your past.

When you overcome your past problems, you will find something deep inside to truly be proud of about yourself.

That is what overcoming your past negative problems is all about...


Nicholas Finnegan

P.S. To move on from your past problems and find solutions that allow you to move on into a life of self enhancement... Go Here...

P.P.S. For Your FREE Life Success Program Go Here...

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Get Over Negative People's Negative Opinions And Voices!


I created a short hypnosis session for you. You can use it to get over negative opinions of people and replace those with a new positive voice that empowers you.

Many of us pick up negative voices that prevent us from doing the things that we want to do. It could be a negative voice picked up from parents that says "You can't do it!" whenever you want to achieve something. It could also be your own negative voice that makes you doubt your own abilities.

The fact is that once you re-frame those negative voices into positive voices that benefit you, you will find alot more of your true potential coming out when you need it.

Go here... to download your free hypnosis session now.

I created it especially for you to benefit from. Enjoy! :)


Nicholas Finnegan

P.S. When listening to your session, it works much better when you find a quite place, where you can lie down and just relax. My voice will condition your mind towards new powerful directions that serve your daily success.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

I Was Depressed and Dissatisfied!


I have to admit.... I usually don't get depressed, but last night I felt like garbage!

Yesterday I was lying on my bed thinking about my life and to be honest with you.... I felt dissatisfied.

I know there is much more that I could be experiencing right now. There are so many new adventures to take, so many opportunities and so many new experiences.

Dissatisfaction is not all that bad!

The only time when people tend to change their lives are when they are dissatisfied with it.

I'm writing this message to tell you that I also tend to get stressed or think negatively at times, I am definitely not perfect.

Sometimes depression and dissatisfaction can be our best friends though...

When you are depressed it means that you really want more, your mind is telling you "Hey, you are worth so much more than what your displaying right now!"

If you are depressed or dissatisfied, USE IT to improve your life at a higher level, because you deserve it!

The quality of your life can grow as long as you invest in it's growth!

Your dissatisfaction and/or depression is an abundant indication that you deserve more.

Don't let it stop you, use it to justify that you are worth more than how your living right now and use it to become stronger.

It's in your lowest points in life where you tend to find your biggest motivations and your biggest discoveries to change.

So what did I do last night? I made some new decisions.

I decided to put my time and focus into things that are more healthy. My business and my personal enjoyment; my fitness and my knowledge. I'm reading more often and jogging every morning to become more healthy and increase my abundance.

What are two new decisions you can make right now to improve the quality of your daily life?

Commit to two new decisions and promise yourself to improve these areas of life daily, step by step, little by little - everyday... until you start to see daily results.

I want you to become more smarter and more successful than I am.

A very good speaker wants to inspire you to become better than he/she is...

Share your amazing progress.

Send me your email's and comments on my blog and let me know how your doing...

I look forward to hearing of your life experiences.

All the very best,

Nicholas Finnegan.

P.S. I received some great feedback about the last download. I am thinking of creating a 6 part down-loadable course for you. Would you be interested? Let me know what you think...

I will start to devise a plan where I can offer free down-loadable material once a week. Leave your comments and share your ideas. Peace and Love.

P.P.S Download your FREE Course Right Here...